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22 March 2020

COVID-19 : India begins its fight

THE GOVERNMENT of India declared a 14-hour "Janata Curfew" (people's curfew) today as it began to step up its fight against COVID-19. The number of infections in the country has now reached 500, and several offices have started requiring their staff to work from home. Today's curfew meant that nobody is allowed to leave home from 7AM to 9PM.

At 5PM, citizens of India clapped from their balconies for five full minutes to show support for medical services, police, firefighters, media, and home delivery professionals who are waging a valorous infantry-line fight against this worsening pandemic. In my neighborhood, fellow residents banged pots and pans to lend an even more impassioned voice of support; watch the video above.

The resulting national round of applause is incredibly soul-rousing. Ths is a unified India that I will always remember.