Half of the world's wackiest Filipino family.
ALL OF them were waiting in the hotel lobby for me. Meeting five of my siblings and their families tonight was totally unplanned, but the surprise was pleasant and delicious. We created noise, unmindful of where we were, screeching in delight, exchanging jokes, chattering preposterously, laughing out loud. It was a riot, but how often do you get to backslap your siblings when you live overseas? We dined in some Arabic restaurant along Mabini Street. I herded the group to my hotel room, where we continued our clatter and playful repartees. We all agreed that the next date would be Sunday lunch at Voltaire’s house. But not before they got from me their dainty Indian presents . . . including Allan’s Kohlapuri chappals. As expected, he was pleased with those sandals. Past Post: If Walls Could Talk
The family circle, with Allan and the fabulous chappals.
Next Post: Riding the Pasig River