MAY CALM fill your daily life,
that you may hear the chords of violins
and not the discords of violence.
May you hear again the music of the stage,
see the starry lights of the concert hall,
taste the magic of the cinema.
feel the heart of the art.
May you find a piece of art in anything you do.
May the work you do help those around you,
that they may help others in return.
And may the earth heal.
May the skies continue to clear,
and the waters remain blue.
May the air you breathe
fill your lungs and your vaccinated veins
with the cleansing power
of a new-found purity.
If your birthday comes in quarantine,
may you celebrate the day
with virtual pomp and splendor.
May the splendor spill over the next day,
and the next day,
and the next.
May your birthday fill your soul with love.
May your love of family and ties of fellowship
continue to grow in harmony and peace.
May you have a chance
to hug them in the streets,
to hold each others' hands,
to smile beyond the masks,
to dance again, together.
And when grief arrives and leaves a heartache,
may the memory of joy swiftly heal the pain.
May you rise above it all,
ever hopeful,
trusting in God.
May you have
a healthful,